New Year's Eve


It's the end of 2009. So I'll just recap.

- Though I started out this year weirdly... I plan to forget all that. When it hits midnight, i'll be watching tv, maybe with my mom, brothers and grandma. dont know..
- i expanded my portfolio like crazyy, including some typography work.
- i've made some newwww friends and i love all of you guys.
- my family's overcome some major obstacles this year, with my dad going to SD and all this other stuff. pretty crazy.
- procrastinating on everything.. lol
- doing blogtv with my guitar. =] hahaa
- not caring about my eczema during the summer. man that was hard...
- roasting marshmallows and chestnuts at this very moment.

its been a very boring year to be honest. i cant wait for next year.. with graduating, starting college, driving, doing WISE... not in that order obviously. but i anticipate everything.
theres only 5 hours left to this year.. then i'll have to start marking my papers with 2010. ahh man.

Christmas Time

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Happy birthday Jesus! =D

I think I gained 3 pounds from all that food I ate over the course of these 2 days. The holidays are very dangerous to my diet. haha

So I'm finally on Christmas vacation. And what am I gonna do? College stuff, study some Calculus, and sleep til I have so much energy in me for this next semester of HIGH SCHOOOOOLLLL!

Speaking of Christmas, for those of you who are wondering what I received... I got $60, a teddy bear from my little brother, some slippers from my mom, and cards from classmates. I love you guys and thanks so much!

I've realized that the feeling of "christmas time" has dwindled in the past few years. This has been the first Christmas that my dad wasn't home for. So it was weird opening presents without him taking pictures, or watching him open a present that was usually socks or pajamas. Christmas kind of feels like ... just another day, but with a lot of food and staying awake. I remember, as a child, lighting the fireplace and anticipating midnight so much. My mom didn't even want to put the tree up. Has everyone lost that feeling of love and unity? I don't know.. but I miss it.

On a lighter note (kind of), I decided to apply to NYU to the Tisch school of the arts for Photography and Imaging. mannn it'd be great if I got accepted because it'd show that my artwork is a little better than I think it is. I'm pretty confident in my portfolio, but I created 2 more posters which I feel show my art maturing. They'll be down there somewhere in this post.

Other than all that, someone from school stole my ipod. And I'm insanely mad about that. That's what you get for going to the school that I do. OH WOODLANDS HIGH SCHOOL IN NEW YORK. how I hate thee. and cannot wait to leave. that ipod had sentimental value. thanks you damn students. I appreciate your criminality.

That's about it for that rant. haha here are the posters.

that's ill.

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I took the SAT II for math 1 and US history today. Needless to say, math 1 was like being in freshman year again. Then reality checked in and US History kicked my butt. Very badly. lol

After the SAT, I had no way of getting home, so i just walked down to the mall, which was like a 30 minute walk from the school. I stopped by the japanese store on the way and got some onigiri. I was definitely bummin it the whole day cuz i wore my

sweatpants and a white tee. lol it was a lazy-ish day. I found nothing at the mall to buy... which is amazing because i always leave the mall with a shirt. I guess i'm becoming pickier and pickier.

Then i went to target to get my little brother a gift.. which was a Bakugan, and 2 hot wheels cars. One of'em was a GT-R.. and when i first saw it, i just grabbed it off the rack and said "yea i'm gettin this." loll ohh the perks of having money.

I still haven't finished all of my college applications. Ohhh jeez. Procrastination kills. Oh oh and as for calculus, i bombed one of the exams, yet studied like crazy for that damn quarterly. I swear to god I'm getting a B on that thing. I SWEAR.

I went to this dance workshop held by St. John's Pare, and the choreographer was none other than Quest Crew's Ryan Feng. shiz was ill. He has so much swagger and he doesn't even count his steps. It's all with the music. I guess that goes for all really good dancers... but still. he was siiiick with it. I'm definitely glad i went. cuz i loved it. like i loooove fisher price.

Photos courtesy of Pare. That's me in the purple shirt!

SATs make me cry

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So I got my second score for the SATs today.. and to be honest, it just ruined my whole day only because colleges look at the scores heavily, but then they also look at your extracurriculars. But still.... it drives me crazy.
Last year I wrote a research paper on the
unjustified use of the SAT in college admissions. And I'm still beside my research and thesis; the SAT should not determine a student's ability of success in college, rather than their ability to focus for 4 damn hours. It's bs.
My second score was higher, by around 80 points. I'm still applying to Georgetown because I SAID SO. It's a reach-reach school, but hey. What if I didn't apply? Then I'd just constantly question myself.. and regret it.. like "what would've happened if I did apply and got accepted?"
I got 2 of my applications done, I just need my guidance counselor to send out my transcript. I have 5 more to do.. and I have to write those essays... which is probably going to take me forever and a day. The college process is sooo
tedious and annoying. But in the end, it'll be worth it.
So i'm in photoshop class (i don't know why i'm still in here) and our teacher is absent. So we're all on photobooth taking weird pictures. oh woodlands. haha
I'll probably upload the work I did in this class. The only thing I'm proud of is the logo production. I'll upload that and some pictures. =]

Other than my rant on SATs and college, everything is alright. I guess. The weather's disgusting which means no tennis. But bowling starts on November 9th. Halloween is on Saturday. Oh the anticipation.
Peace in the middle east, rain in Spain.

in school blogging

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I probably shouldn't be doing this, but i'm bored. School time calls for photoshop during free periods. Plus they have Adobe CS3 creative suite... which is the most amazing thing about this school. I get the chance to use illustrator and somehow.. learn it like i did with photoshop. To be honest, it's not my favorite program, but the things you can do with it are amazing. Vectors, so it seems, are a lot more possible to do and your flexibility with it is a lot better. The pen tool is awesome too... I'm finally learning how to use it. Yessss.

Err... this girl keeps looking at me typing.... awwwkward balloon.

speaking of staring;
Endless Rants:

I hate it when girls look at me in the locker room... while i'm changing. I find it to be really rude and.. disgusting. I don't see the reason why people have to look at me with.. almost nothing on. lol it's like.. jeez. unless they're bisexual or lesbian, then okay whatever. b
ut still. ew.

I hate people who are conceited about things that they're only mediocre at. granted, i'm really not the best at photoshop, nor do i put myself out there and claim that i'm great. But these people put others down when they're not the best at something. It's like they don't have anything to be boasting about. it's... insanely annoying. eff. that.
So besides all that, school's been alright. Calculus.. is pretty effin hard. that's all i gotta say.

Alrighty, so i should probably upload that poster that i did during school. total elapsed time: approx. 50 min.



School started. I'm a senior. Oh jeez let the stress begin!

and actually.. it already has. I'm working on weekends, doing tennis, and trying to do my homework. It's pretty hard to do, but i manage to get everything done because that's what's expected. Other than that... the money's pretty dang awweesomme.

My classes are pretty good.. besides economics because I just can't stay awake in there. AP Calc is cool because fisher's teaching it and he's a nice dude. lol AP Environmental is.. confusing as hell cuz tokarski just piles up all of this work on us randomly then gives a random due date. But hey.. what can you do. AP is AP.

Ahhh and english. cant forget about AP english. We get essays to do every friday, and needless to say... it's kinda hard to break out of regents habits. I've so far only gotten one A. It makes me sad. buuuut i have more chances to redeem myself. hopefully.

Tennis has been alright. I found out that I play better against really good people, than people who are not.. that.. good. o_O yea it's confusing. My serve has gotten better and more consistent, as well as my backhand. For some reason i jump when i do my backhand.. probably cuz of watching Alex so many times.. tho he probably doesn't even jump on backhands but forehands instead. I remember when he fell that time at WCC. lmaooo good times.

So yea. thats.. about it. I need to get on my photoshop work and get a portfolio and resume set up to give to one of the teachers at my school. Hopefully i can make some extra moneyz for my Macbook? hmm?? yes. i think so.

the last day of summer.

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So it's 1:21am, September 6 '09; the last day of 09 summer before my senior year of high school.

There's really nothing special about this summer.. other than it being my last before having to go even more crazy about college stuff. Next year's summer better be the most laid back thing ever. Oh the anticipation.

I'm working at 9am today. And I have yet to do an essay for english class. Procrastination is the worst thing ever. Let the senioritis begin!

To sum up this summer:
It's been fun. Awesome weather. I didn't do too much walking around like I wanted to. I made money.. stayed at home and bummed it out majority of the time. I also went to the city more since I had the money to pay for train tickets...
Ahh I learned some korean too.. from watching Boys Over Flowers (korean hana yori dango basically.) It was good. Yi Jung!!! wooo lol

What do I expect this school year to be filled with?
A band trip. college stress. fun. driving. tennis and bowling. art. procrastination. tricking (lol w.i.s.e.?). music. laughing. and the most memorable of memories yet.

Oh so i guess i'll post up an old typography thing i did a while ago. it's probably gotta be one of my favorites. so that and Goodbye Summer.